About ME

Where it all started

On the 15th of June 1997, I was born in a small bavarian town called Neuburg. I have an older sister and beautiful parents. As a kid I got all of the attention I needed and had great opportunities. After showing my intellect early on I was supposed to go to a school for gifted children. In the end my family decided it was more important for me to spend time with them and develop social skills so I ended up going to a public school. Despite understanding topics real easy I always was an average student. The difference was that I never had interest in school and therefore was just lazy. Later on as school got harder my attitude turned out to be my death sentence and I did not have the future I wanted with my GPA.

How it changed

Talking to my parents about my childhood opened up my eyes and I decided to have a fresh start and switched schools. There I immediately invested some time into studying, changed my diet and worked out before school. The changes were immeidately visible and I graduated as the best of my class as well as one of the 5 best in school. I felt way better about life and wanted to get some practical experience which is why I started an apprenticeship as a mechatornics engineer. Feeling not yet satisfied and challenged enough I enrolled in a Bachelor program while working full time. After the first semester I was disappointed because I thought being in university was harder and the classes more challenging. That's when I once again felt the void getting bigger inside me and lost part of my drive to be the best every day. I started reading more books and invested myself in personal development and through people like David Goggins and Cameron Hanes I came across ultramarathons. After a two year injury break that was the perfect challenge and after 4 months of training I first ran a half-marathon and another month later my first ultra-marathon. It made me a lot happier about life again but of course my GPA suffered from my time being limited. 

How the story continues

My life now is about being the best version of myself every day. Hoping to inspire some of my close friends to change their life around and participate in hard challenges. In the future I will invest more time into university again to get my Bachelor degree. To stay happy I realized that I have to challenge myself. That starts by waking up early every day and doing long cardio sessions as often as I can. Let's see where the journey will lead me. If you want to stay updated just check this website or my social media.